Why Solar is the right choice for Fleet

Modern Fleet operation can be more efficient & environmentally friendly by adding additional solar

The problem

  • Vehicle engines and batteries are not optimised to provide electrical power to the ever increasing number of auxiliary services required in the modern vehicle.
  • Engines are often left idling to provide additional power.
  • Flat batteries with shortened lifespans and wasteful emissions are the result. 

The solution

  • Vehicle engines and batteries are not optimised to provide electrical power to the ever increasing number of auxiliary services required in the modern vehicle.
  • Engines are often left idling to provide additional power.
  • Flat batteries with shortened lifespans and wasteful emissions are the result. 


  • MIPV’s unique Solar technology has significant advantages over traditional solar modules.
  • MIPV modules are engineered with durability (shatterproof).
  • Has superior low light and shading tolerance yielding more output per unit capacity installed.  
  • The modules are extremely lightweight and don’t add to fuel costs.
  • Self cleaning and lose minimal power due to shades caused by dirt.
  • MIPV’s plug and play solar units are easy to install and maintain.
  • Each system is refined and optimised to be specific to the vehicle and its usage.

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